If you are changing clocks and perhaps batteries in your household because of the hour change at the weekend, it could be a good opportunity to check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
Working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms can save your loved ones’ lives as well as your own. Early detection of fires saves lives and can reduce damage to house and contents. Statistics show that fewer deaths or serious injuries occur in households where smoke alarms are installed and maintained. You can find further information on these lifesaving devices from Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue here.
Don’t forget – the clocks go forward an hour tonight!
We lose an hour’s sleep, but it will mean the evenings are lighter.
It is seen by many as one of the signs of spring coming.
A lot of modern devices like smartphones will add the hour automatically. But for traditional clocks and watches, and some digital clocks, you will need to adjust them yourselves (or wait six months!)
Podsmead-based cleaning company Into Cleaning have offered free window cleaning to Gloucester city centre business to help them prepare for reopening after Covid.
Simon Payne said: ‘I have offered free window cleaning to our Gloucester city centre small businesses in preparation for them opening after covid 19.’
‘Over the last few days I have been speaking on Radio Gloucestershire about how we can help the small businesses of Gloucester’.
If you run a small business and would like to speak about this offer, please contact Into Cleaning or email simon@intocleaning.co.uk.
There has been some fly-tipping, littering and graffiti in the area off Cole Avenue.
The walk from Cole Avenue to New Dawn and Stroud Road takes you along the railway line and is surprisingly quiet considering it is next to a busy main road.
This might be why people feel they can fly-tip without being noticed. There is a lot of littering and fly-tipping under the bridge, as well as some graffiti.
I have reported all these matters to the council and urged them to get them cleared. I have also begun sounding out community groups and the council about making improvements to the area and keeping it tidy.
I have already had positive offers, and have approached the Crypt School, whose boundary is right along this pathway. I’ve also asked the council about planting more trees and hedges here to develop and encourage biodiversity.
The county council has committed extra funding to protect children from going hungry during the school holidays as a result of the COVID lockdown; eligible families who haven’t registered should visit the apply for free school meals page. Gloucestershire families in receipt of free school meals will be able to claim vouchers for both weeks of the holidays.
This is in addition to the Department for Education Holiday Activity Support already in place for the first week on the holidays. Families will still be entitled to this support, which includes meal packs and activities, but the council will now provide two weeks additional vouchers as well.
Families who previously registered their details for holiday Free School Meals vouchers will automatically receive them this time.
Those who have registered for the Holiday Activity Fund scheme will still receive their home food kits and access to activities for the first week of the holidays, as planned.
Eligible families will need to be registered by 5pm Monday, 29th March in order for vouchers to be processed in time for the end of term. Vouchers will be sent via email.
If you cannot access information online or have any questions relating to the scheme, call 01452 426165 (during office hours, 9am-5pm) or alternatively e-mail childrensfund@gloucestershire.gov.uk.
If you have a Post Office Card Account (POca) for your state pension, benefit or tax credit payments, an important change is coming in November 2021.
A POca is a special type of account you can only get from the Post Office for automated government payments. It is different from other Post Office accounts which will still be in existence.
From November the POca accounts will be closed and you will need to use a different means to have your money paid in.
You will still be able to get your payments but you will need to use a different account to withdraw your money.
The DWP will be writing to all affected in the coming months, but if you are worried and want to learn more now, you can find advice here.
And this guide from the Post Office gives advice on switching to alternative accounts.
The important thing is not to worry – there is plenty of time to act. But if you need help for any reason, I am always happy to assist. Please contact me for help.
You might also have neighbours, friends or family who can assist you if you are having difficulty with anything.
Cityfibre are currently laying down fibre cable in the streets of Gloucester, often using the existing utility trenches.
When the work is complete, you should be able to get connected to faster broadband via your existing provider.
I am in regular contact with Cityfibre, so if you have any questions or issues you can either contact me, or use the website to raise anything.
Inevitably there will be some disruption during these works. I have dealt with a couple of issues recently, and Cityfibre have been very swift to get back to me.
This is a good news story for Gloucester, as we all know how much we value a fast internet connection, especially since the pandemic.
Gloucester City Council has announced its events programme for a busy summer and autumn filled with events and festivals as the city comes out of lockdown.
As the government has now issued the roadmap to ease restrictions around social distancing the city council has been busy finalising the event programme for Gloucester.
Summer this year sees the return of the Gloucester Goes Retro Festival and a new exciting festival which will see the comedian John Bishop and McFly perform in Gloucester Park.
And this winter the city will be illuminated by a range of artists for Bright Nights. All events are subject to current government guidelines. Safety is always the main priority for all events.