Latest news on vaccine rollout

Some great info just released from Gloucestershire NHS:

✅ All 38 and 39 year olds are getting a text inviting them to book their first jab online (if you don’t hear, your GP will be in touch)

✅ Most 40-49 year olds have now had their first jab

✅ An incredible 550,000 people in our county have had a covid vaccination (including 200,000 2nd doses).

Thanks again to the NHS for an amazing job done!

Floodplain Meadow Arts Competition 2021

Artists of all ages are being asked to take part in a national arts and crafts competition to help raise awareness of the UK’s diminishing floodplain meadows.

The OU and the Floodplain Meadows Partnership have launched the competition encouraging people to visit a local floodplain and create a piece of art that represents the importance and beauty of these natural habitats.

Please see the website for more information.

Works carried out on Scott Avenue

A pothole on Scott Avenue I reported last month
A road defect on Scott Avenue I reported last month

I have been informed by the county council that the road defects I reported on Scott Avenue have been repaired.

I still believe that Scott Avenue requires a full resurface.

I will keep pressing to get improvements to Podsmead’s roads and pavements.

If you know of any potholes or road defects in Podsmead do let me know.

Conservatives to slash road repair fund by £20m

Tory county council bosses are planning on cutting £20m from the budget to fix Gloucestershire’s roads.

The Tories have been in charge at Shire Hall for 16 years and there is an £80million backlog in road and pavement repairs.

But now they are planning to spend even less money on the roads – just at the time when it is desperately needed.

  • In 2016 the Conservatives pledged to spend £150m over five years = £30m a year on the roads
  • In 2021 the Conservatives are pledging to spend £100m over five years = £25m a year on the roads

This equals £5m a year less on the Gloucestershire’s roads or £20m over the next four years.

Make sure you back your Lib Dem county council candidate on May 6th, to get a better deal for the roads in your area.

Call for a proper sign for Neven Place

I have campaigned successfully for the installation of street signs at Earls Park, the new development off Tuffley Crescent/Bristol Road.

One area that seemed to be missed off when the developers installed signs was at the higher number end of Neven Place, where enterprising residents have taken matters into their own hands and made a makeshift sign!

I think the residents deserve a proper sign, especially in our current circumstances where delivery services are more frequently used.

I wrote to Matthew Homes about this and several other issues and am going to keep pressing on these matters.

If you live in Earls Park and have an issue you would like me to raise with the developer, please let me know.

Any snagging issues with individual properties should be emailed to the developer at the aftersales address, which I am happy to supply for any residents who don’t have it.