Walking football is back in Podsmead

Walking football returns to Podsmead from Thursday 3rd February.

It will be held in the Crypt School sports hall from 6pm-7pm and costs £2 a session.

Walking football is – as it sounds – football where no running is allowed. It is designed to help people from all ‘walks’ of life keep fit – older people, people with mobility issues or recovering from injury/operation – anyone. It is a fun way to spend an hour and certainly gets the blood flowing!

Well done to Les Jevins and Podsmead Big Local for getting this going again, and thanks to Crypt for allowing us to use the facility.

Fly-tipping – what can we do?

Fly-tipping is a problem in our communities. Councils devote a significant amount of resources to picking it up and disposing of it.

It has increased during and after lockdown as people had sort-outs of their lofts and garages. People are recycling more material via the doorstep collections, and you will notice that the charity shops are often refusing donations after a certain time of day, as they are full.

Old furniture can be recycled or donated, but to dispose of it will involve booking a bulky waste collection from the council or a charity collection. Unfortunately, sometimes people can’t or won’t pay for collection or arrange for a free collection, and rather than recycle or donate to charity, the stuff gets dumped.

It is very hard to prevent fly-tipping. It is illegal, and the police and council enforcement agencies will seek to fine or prosecute offenders. But it still occurs because it is hard to police everywhere, as councils and police have scarce resources.

What are the solutions? Education about the problems caused for all by fly-tipping, promotion of the free and low-cost services that are available, well-lit and overlooked donation points in convenient locations – all these can help. CCTV is often called for – but again there is much demand for this and not enough units to cover everywhere people would like.

And often if you enhance an area as a community, there is then the desire to keep it tidy. That’s why in Podsmead we are looking at all the areas where fly-tipping occurs, and working on practical solutions to it.

I regularly report fly-tipping that I spot or that residents let me know about. I have also asked a question of the leader of the council on this topic. Your ideas are welcome on how we can do more.

Request for IT equipment

Do you have any IT equipment stuffed away in a cupboard or up in the loft?

Perhaps you want to keep it for ’emergencies’ or you really don’t want to do the online selling thing. Well, have you thought about donating it and giving it a new lease of life?

IT Schools Africa need IT equipment just like that and this Saturday you can drop it off at various Tesco stores across Gloucester and Cheltenham.

Click HERE to see the stores and times when you can donate your old equipment.

Cycle Security Marking Event

With the increase in the number of cycles purchased over lock down and over the Christmas period we are offering a FREE bike marking event.

On Saturday 22nd January 2022 between 11am and 3pm local PCSOs Christine White and Mike Edwards will be carrying out a FREE cycle security marking session at The Club, Tuffley Avenue, Gloucester GL1 5NS

Cycles will also be registered on the National Cycle Data Base again FREE of charge.
This is a proven crime prevention method, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Please pass this message onto all your friends and neighbours, as everyone is welcome.

Message Sent By
Mike Edwards (Police, PCSO, Gloucester)

Information about vaccination drop-in sessions

The following link gives the locations and times of vaccination drop-in sessions for the next two weeks available around the county being provided by the NHS.

Please pass this on to all your relatives, neighbours and friends.

People should not attend the drop-in service if:

  • they have already made an appointment at a vaccination centre in the county
  • they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have had a positive COVID-19 test within the last 4 weeks (people aged over 18) or 12 weeks (children under the age of 18)

Podsmead profiles – Linda Cohen

Read with me was set up by Linda Cohen at the start of 2020 with the prime objective of ensuring that every primary school child can read well before they move to secondary school.

Children who are unable to read properly at 7 never really catch up. These children do less well at school, have reduced employment choices and earning opportunities and a greater chance of going to prison.

Every year 200,000 children will leave primary school unable to read well, 1 in 4 five years olds struggle with basic vocabulary, 96% of primary school teachers are concerned about pupil’s speech and language.

This of course was before Covid, which has made everything even more challenging for these children.

Read with me  volunteers hear each child read for 15minutes twice a week which also gives time to develop vital communication and social skills and build confidence. The results are transforming.

Read with me work with 1500 local children every week

If you’d like to help and volunteer in a school near you, call Linda on 07791 110906, email Julie Jenner on julie@readwithme.org.uk or go to www.readwithme.org.uk

Read with me hundreds and thousands challenge

Are you looking for a fun fitness challenge for a great start to the New Year?

Join the Read With Me Hundreds and Thousands club!

Every penny raised will help children in Gloucestershire learn to read well, helping towards the future they deserve. 

Sign up and set your target – in any multiple of 100K.

Walk, run, swim, cycle, row or freestyle – it’s your call. Just complete it all in January or one month from signing up.

A great start to 2022 for everyone!

£15 Entry Per Person. Feel free to join as a team to complete the distance together.

We’ll send you a well earned medal at the end of January. There will be a dedicated Facebook Group with tips, motivation and support throughout the month. Click here to go to the Facebook group.

And it’s not too late to join up! If you can’t join until towards the end of January, we will still give you the month to complete the challenge and get one of these fab zero waste medals!

At least £10 of your entry fee will go direct to fundraising for Read with me.

We’ll also have a dedicated Just Giving Page where your friends and family can support the cause without you feeling under pressure to raise sponsorship and a Strava Group if you would like to track your distances as part of a group.

Register here and view the crowdfunder here.

Missing swing to be replaced

After a resident contacted me about the missing swing in Tuffley Park play area, I met with the Section 106 officer on site and looked at this along with other issues.

We have arranged for the equipment to be replaced at a cost of £621. As yet I don’t have a timescale for the work.

There is a limited fund of money available from Section 106 developer contributions in Podsmead. If you have any ideas for things that could improve our parks, do let me know.