Recycling update – some properties missed 11.3.22

I had a message today from the city council:

‘Unfortunately today not all recycling collections were completed.

The below list of roads have not had a complete recycling collection today. They have had their food waste collected – this was done by streets and grounds crews. The roads listed will have a double recycling collection next week:

Lime Tree Court

Romney Close

Tuffley Avenue (96-164 Evens only)’

Please would residents bring their recycling back in until next week.

I understand that you can present extra recycling in clear plastic bags.

This seems to be a pattern recently of missing out streets, and I will be submitting some questions to full council about this.

Please contact me if you have any problems with waste collection.

Sign up to receive Energy Bills Rebate direct

Gloucester City Council is advising residents to pay their Council Tax by direct debit, to make sure they receive the £150 Energy Bills Rebate as soon as possible.

The government has announced that households in Council Tax bands A-D will receive the one-off cash payment in April to help with the increased cost of living.

The money will be paid directly into bank accounts and the government has advised that those who pay Council Tax by direct debit are likely to receive their payment first.

Signing up to a direct debit means the council has all the information needed to make the payment to residents.

Paying by direct debit is also easier and quicker and means Council Tax payers don’t have to remember to make their monthly payments. Any direct debits set up are covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee.

More information on how residents who don’t pay by direct debit will receive their Energy Bills Rebate payment will be available soon following government guidance.

The rebate is not available on empty or second homes.

Council Tax payers who already pay by direct debit do not need to take any action. 

Visit the council website to sign up for a direct debit or call the council on 01452 396396.

News on planning application for former gasworks

Keeping you informed: planning application for remediation works at former gasworks site at Bristol Road, Gloucester, GL2 5YA

Message from NGPL Community Relations

Further to my previous correspondence, I am writing to let you know that we have submitted our planning application for remediation work on the site of our former gasworks on Bristol Road, Gloucester.

Activity on site to date

As you may recall, over May/June 2021, we undertook some initial routine site investigation works to assess the ground conditions on our land. The findings from these works have informed our planning application which we submitted to Gloucester City Council on 21 December 2021. This is an application for us to carry out remediation work that will improve the environmental condition of the site so that it can be brought back into future beneficial use. 

Next steps 

Subject to Gloucester City Council granting planning consent, we anticipate the remediation work starting in April and lasting for around three months.

This phase of work will include remediation work to clean up the land and remove materials associated with the site’s former use as a gasworks, followed by the reinstatement of the site to the original ground level.

Keeping everyone safe

As a responsible neighbour, we have procedures in place to ensure we minimise any disruption to the local community.  We have robust plans for mitigating any odour, dust and noise associated with the work due to take place and we will be monitoring these to ensure that we are working within safe limits. The health and safety of the public, our neighbours and our workers remains our top priority when undertaking any work.  

As the pandemic continues to shift, we are remaining vigilant in maintaining covid-safe procedures. 

Keeping you informed – ongoing communications   

As our team won’t be on site until the summer, should you have any questions about our work, please call our Community Relations team between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday on   0800 1448 904 or via email at

We stand with Ukraine

Liberal Democrats in Gloucester are standing with Ukraine at this awful time. Recently we endorsed a cross-party council motion calling on the council to condemn the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. City councillors and officers have been assisting in many ways in the local community, and we are looking at ways we can further support our Ukrainian allies in the future.

If you want to help, the government website lists several ways to get involved.

Community walkabout

It was good to have another walkabout in Podsmead this week with PCSO Suzanne Sexton. We looked at concerns in Earls Park, chatted to residents in Chaucer Close and Duke of Beaufort Court, and called in to see the scheme managers in Badger Vale Court and Halford House.

This a regular practice for us in Podsmead and if you have any concerns or areas you would like us to look at please let me know.

What does smart security mean for my home?

Join this virtual chat with a smart security expert from ERA, plus Q&A
Thursday 10th March, 5 – 6pm

Find out what smart security means for your home and how simple changes can vastly improve its security. During the webinar Neighbourhood Watch CEO, John Hayward-Cripps, and ERA’s smart security expert, Sumier Foster-Shah, will discuss:

  • available smart security solutions
  • installation
  • what to look for when choosing a smart security system
  • and much more

Following the discussion, they will run a live Q&A session to answer all of your questions and concerns.


*Maximum 500 places. Register early and sign in promptly on the day to guarantee your place.

Best wishes