Tree on Scott Avenue

After contact from a resident a few weeks ago I reported the overhanging tree at the Byron Avenue end of Scott Avenue to the council. A branch was overhanging the pavement and some other boughs looked loose.

Since then some of the material has come down and been cleared away but I have asked for the tree to be inspected to ensure it is safe. I understand that the council have appointed or are about to appoint a new tree officer. There are lots of tree maintenance and planting issues in Podsmead that I would like them to take a look at.

If you know of any tree issues in our area please let me know.

Mayor of Gloucester and Leader of the Council express sadness at the death of Her Majesty The Queen

The Right Worshipful Mayor of Gloucester, Cllr Howard Hyman, and leader of the city council, Richard Cook, have today expressed great sadness following the announcement of the death of Her Majesty The Queen:

“On behalf of all councillors and staff of Gloucester City Council, and all the residents of the City of Gloucester, we would like to express how very sad we all are at the news of Her Majesty The Queen’s death. We send our sincere condolences to the Royal Family.

“Gloucester’s connection to the Royal Family is very special and historic, and Her Majesty visited the city a number of times during her reign. On each occasion her warmth toward the people of Gloucester, and vice versa, was clear and wholly felt.

“Her Majesty’s commitment to her role and to the people of the Commonwealth will be unrivalled in our lifetime.  She was a tremendous ambassador for Britain and an example to everyone. 

“We know people in Gloucester will want to pay their respects to a sovereign who has left an indelible mark on the fabric of our country. A book of condolence will be opened at the Museum of Gloucester, Brunswick Road and will be available through our website. For those unable to attend the Museum, a link to an e-book of condolence will be available on our website.

“As a mark of respect for Her Majesty the Queen, flags on all city council buildings are being flown at half mast.”

Details of the books of condolence and location for floral tributes can be found on the city council’s website

We are currently reviewing planned formal council meetings and other corporate events scheduled during the official period of mourning.

What’s happening with the phone box?

A couple of years ago the phone box on Podsmead Road was earmarked for removal. There were no objections that I was aware of and the police were quite keen for it be taken away, because it was often used for nuisance 999 calls, which by law they have to waste time and resources attending.

I wrote to BT and they told me that the box would be removed. Clearly, it is still there, although recently it was smashed up and the glass has still not been replaced.

Generally, in an emergency people have either got a mobile phone or could get to a nearby house with a phone. The usage figures on this, and to be honest most, call boxes were very low.

I will be contacting BT again and asking what the latest is. Either it needs to be removed, to prevent any more vandalism, or we keep it for its current purpose. Or we could turn it into something like a community library. Do let me know your views!

Gloucester Register to Vote service restored and Postal Voters urged to reapply

The council’s register to vote service is available again following the cyber incident in December last year and all waiting applications have already been dealt with. The city’s postal voters are now being asked to reapply to ensure that they can continue to vote by post. 

Following the cyber incident the electoral register has been recovered, but the council has not been able to recover postal vote applications that were previously submitted by voters. 

The council is now writing to every postal voter asking them to fill in an application form included with the letter and return it in the pre-paid envelope. Any queries should be sent to

Since the cyber incident the majority of the council’s services that were affected have been restored including the ‘Report It’ service that allows issues to be reported like fly-tipping or overgrown vegetation.

The Local Land Charge system that is used to carry out searches for prospective homeowners was restored in June.  

Jon McGinty, Returning Officer for Gloucester City Council, said: “We apologise for the inconvenience to voters but we would urge them not to delay in returning their new postal vote application form so that we can make sure they can continue to vote by post at future elections.”

Gloucester reveals plans for new Greyfriars Quarter to Level Up city centre

Gloucester City Council has announced a bid for £12.5 million of Levelling Up Funding for an ambitious new scheme to transform the area around the Eastgate Shopping Centre into a vibrant new garden quarter.

The plans for the Greyfriars Quarter will see part of the shopping centre including the market hall refurbished ​and repurposed and spaces constructed for community activities, a new market and foodhall, as well as a park and gardens, all set within the grounds of the 13th century Greyfriars monastery.

If successful, the bid would enable the market hall to be ​relocated to another part of the Eastgate Shopping centre, with a contemporary new design that would see it open up onto a landscaped courtyard garden

The current market hall would be revamped to house a multi-purpose performance space for dance, music, fitness, cinema, community and leisure events.

It would be linked to a unique covered outdoor space with an orangery and outdoor dining area within the remains of the beautiful Greyfriars Monastery.

The plan also includes a proposal to create serviced apartments, providing a unique place to stay and the creation of flexible workspaces within the refurbished 18th century house adjacent to the friary. 

The exciting new scheme would also see the construction of a new urban park, outdoor gym, play area and cycle hub.

The bid follows the council’s previous successful bid to the Government’s Levelling Up fund last year, which saw it successfully granted £20 million. 

It will enable the redevelopment of the University of Gloucestershire City Centre Campus in the former Debenhams, the renovation of the Fleece Hotel and creation of The Forge, a digital hub aimed at the cyber and knowledge economy as part of the £107 Forum development. 

The bid is also in addition to the £1.5m UK Shared Prosperity Fund allocation to the city, which will be primarily used to support communities and place around the wider city area.

Thefts in the Earls Park and Thornhill Close areas

I have been sorry to see multiple reports of thefts in the last 24 hours, in Manu Marble Way and Thornhill Close.

I would urge all residents to be vigilant and lock up as much as possible.

Any thefts or sightings of intruders should be reported to the police on, or by contacting our local PCSO Suzanne Sexton on

If anyone in Podsmead is interested in setting up a Neighbourhood Watch scheme, please contact Bob Lloyd on or call 01452 752086. Members of the Neighbourhood Policing Team will also be able to answer any of your questions.

I am always happy to facilitate meetings between residents and the police, or to help to secure funding for safety and security projects.