Where is ‘Podsmead Avenue South’?

I regularly take the bus into Gloucester and back home, and I was confused to hear the announcement on the number 10 ‘the next stop is Podsmead Avenue South’. There is no such road in Podsmead, of course, only Tuffley Avenue and Podsmead Road, which intersect and where the bus stop Stagecoach are referring to is located.

I don’t use Twitter very much but I thought I would tweet Stagecoach and ask for it to be changed. They responded that ‘the bus stop is correct’. Another Twitter user has pointed out that this is what the stop has been named by Stagecoach, but in my view it’s incorrect.

What do my readers think?

Tuffley Avenue safety scheme coming August 7th-11th

There will be highway safety works taking place on Tuffley Avenue, between 7th to 11th August, to allow for safety improvements to signing and lining.

Diversions will be in place and there will be no through traffic.

Details of the scheme can be found here.

Prior to this there will be safety works taking place from Tuffley Avenue junction to Bristol Road, between 31st July to 4th August, to allow for improvements to signing and lining.

Again, diversions will be in place and there will be no through traffic.

Please let me know if you have any questions about either of the works, via email to Sebastian.Field@Gloucester.gov.uk.

Walkabout in Tuffley Park

I met with the city council parks and open spaces manager recently in Tuffley Park, to look at various issues in the vicinity.

🔐 We checked out the gate the travellers got in. An extra padlock has been installed but bollards are not the answer here as travellers can just remove them. This council focuses on speed of eviction. More on this soon.

🛝 the swing has been replaced in the park

🌳 there are some dead trees which the council are aware of

🪵 the benches are looking good (thanks Friends of Tuffley Park 🌳)

🌺 the wildflowers are starting to go over now but have looked great

🌱 the grass verges have been strimmed

Anti-burglary advice from Gloucestershire Constabulary – go WIDE

Make your home more protected from burglars by installing a WIDE combination of security devices: 
· Window locks
· Internal lights on timer switches
· Double or deadbolts fitted to doors
· Exterior lights on a sensor 

Burglars look for opportunities. Do what you can to take those opportunities away from them. 

Discover more burglary prevention advice.