Film screening on Monday 21st August

There is an open air film screening on Monday 21st August, on Scott Avenue green.

The organisers write:

‘We’re looking forward to this free open air screening of Matilda for Podsmead residents next Monday!

🎥Arrive from 8pm, film starts approx. 9pm

🪑Bring a blanket, picnic chair or whatever you want to sit on
🍿Free popcorn thanks to Gloucester City HAF! But bring any other snacks you want

Funded by Podsmead Big Local and Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society.’

Congratulations Blackbridge!

There was big news recently that Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society have been awarded £2.55 MILLION from the government’s Youth Investment Fund, for the Blackbridge Community and Sports Hub.

A total of £2,550,644 has been granted to enable Blackbridge to reach more young people through the project. They are one of 44 youth projects nationally to receive funding in this latest round of awards.

The Youth Investment Fund was launched in August 2022, with a call for youth services in the country’s most underserved areas to apply for a slice of fund worth over £300 million to improve the health, wellbeing, skills, and opportunities for young people.

The full list of successful applicants can be found here:

This is a testament to the hard work and quality of the application from Blackbridge and will enable them to help a lot of young people with the project. My warmest congratulations to them.

This is great news for Podsmead!

The Club at Tuffley Park

It was a great shame to see the Club at Tuffley Park and sister companies go into liquidation, and I feel for anyone who has bookings that now can’t be honoured.

The Club was and is an important community asset.

As the local councillor my belief is that this facility needs to stay in community use. The buildings are owned by the city council so any decision will be made by them.

I have already received some expressions of interest and would be happy to pass on further submissions to the officer who is collating them.

Please email these to me on, or send them directly to the city council property department on

Weeds in alleyway

After residents alerted me to the problem, I asked the council to remove the weeds in the alleyway between Thornhill Close and Podsmead Road.

I’ve also asked for the weed removal schedule for Podsmead.

The council are making moves to use a mechanical removal method in future. I believe that they still spray weeds, so I and other councillors are encouraging them to move away from this method.

Action on rusty bin

It’s taken a long time and a lot of reminding, but I’m delighted to see the old, rusty dog waste bin at Milton Avenue has been replaced with this shiny new one.

It is the newer type dual-use bin which you can use for both litter and dog waste (bagged up of course).

If you know of any more bins in our area that are damaged or need replacing, please let me know.

Play areas at Earls Park

I continue to press Matthew Homes to bring the play parks on Earls Park, Podsmead up to adoptable standard.

This means so they are of a standard where the city council can adopt the parks, and take on the maintenance, emptying of bins etc. Until this happens, responsibility will rest with the developer. It’s therefore in the interest of Matthew Homes to get the site up to standard sooner, and I have urged them to do this.

I have also asked several questions on this issue at full council, including the most recent meeting.

Since then I’ve made contact with the city council’s new Section 106 officer, and we will be meeting soon to try to progress sites like this in Podsmead.