Briefing with the Police and Crime Commissioner

A briefing was held for Gloucester City Councillors with the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gloucestershire, Chris Nelson. This came about after a successful Liberal Democrat motion to council calling for a briefing to be held with the PCC, to look at policing issues in our communities.

There was a good turnout from councillors including the whole Lib Dem group. Many councillors asked questions of Mr Nelson, including myself.

I asked about the recent TV programme featuring Gloucestershire officers, and particularly about the problem of alcohol-related crime mentioned on there. The PCC replied that alcohol crime was a major resource drain on the force, and that he was personally trying to do things on this issue.

I also referred to the problem of speeding, for example in Tuffley Avenue and Podsmead Road in my patch, and would the PCC come and meet me to see for himself. He acknowledged that this is one of the things that residents often bring up and want action on. He said it is one of his passions and he wants to get something done on this issue.

He said we was willing to meet me in Podsmead to look at any issues, but also the senior officers who were in attendance that evening said they would be in touch, as they knew already that I was very proactive in my ward, for example with regular walkabouts with PCSO Sexton.

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