Blackbridge project – call for questions

The Blackbridge Community Charitable Benefit Society (BCCBS) will be putting out a newsletter in late August with an update on many aspects of the Blackbridge project, in order to provide information to residents and answer their questions.

A lot of residents have asked questions on similar themes so it would be useful to make the information as helpful and comprehensive as possible, if residents could email me any questions they think it would be useful to have answered, to I will need these questions by Monday 8th August if possible.

The BCCBS will then use the questions to help prepare the fact sheet and make the update as useful and helpful as possible.

This newsletter will be delivered across the ward and I will ask for copies to be made available widely.

3 thoughts on “Blackbridge project – call for questions

  1. Robin Ballard says:

    Save scotts ave more important !!!

  2. Beverley Sayers says:

    70% of is going be lost ,
    it’s not going green but concrete and artificial,
    The map isn’t showing the full scale of tbe development
    Health and safety issues ie mental health and road and children safety
    The houses which you or anyone else has answered
    I think it’s going to more expensive for the council to look after because at moment they mow the grass once a month and that’s in summer.
    With what they’re proposing it’s going to be more man for the upkeep

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks for the comment. I have asked about the percentage loss of space and the other concerns in a list of questions I am submitting. A newsletter will be going round shortly which will hopefully give more information about many aspects of the proposals.

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