Blackbridge Community Sports Hub update

Good progress is being made with the development of the Blackbridge Community Sports Hub project in Podsmead.

A CGI impression of how the hub building might look

The proposed scheme will see the provision of a full sized Artificial Grass Pitch and natural turf pitches for football, rugby and other sports, as well as a hub building which will feature changing rooms, a dance/exercise studio, health and fitness gym, and social and meeting spaces.

Here are some of the highlights from recent months:

• A successful local community consultation event was held in February, where residents were able to learn more about the project and share their views

• Regular meetings of the Blackbridge Community Land Trust (who are overseeing the development of the project) are taking place, with day to day support from Active Gloucestershire

• Ongoing talks with prospective user groups, including Tuffley Rovers FC, Quedgely Wanderers FC, Gloucester All Golds Rugby League Club, Widden and Old Cryptians Rugby Union Clubs, Rugby For Heroes and others

• An outline Programme of Use and indicative business plan are being developed

• Close working with Gloucestershire FA and the Football Foundation around an application for funding towards the 3G artificial turf pitch. Consideration being given to seeking additional sources of funding, e.g. Rugby Football League Facilities Fund, charitable trusts, wider community share offer

• Technical reports (including archaeology and drainage) have been completed and a planning application is being drafted

The indicative timeline for the development and delivery of the project is as follows:

• Late summer 2020: full planning application

• January 2021: application to Football Foundation

• May 2021: tender main contracts

• Summer 2021: start on site

• Spring/Summer 2022: opening

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