Podsmead volunteering

Monday 9th December saw members of the Podsmead community come together to help improve Milton Avenue. A lot was achieved including a large area of bramble being cleared and a fence being built to improve safety around the pond inlet.

I was pleased to help out for a couple of hours and learn some new skills. Hammering in some fence posts was good for stress relief during an election campaign!

My thanks to all who came and helped out including members of Podsmead Big Local and Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust. The area is looking really good and it shows what can be achieved together.

Small business Saturday

On Small Business Saturday it was good to give a shout-out to all the fabulous small businesses in Gloucester.

We can all play our part by supporting local shops when we can.

Only ever shopping at the same identikit chains will just ensure lack of choice and absence of that personal touch that small businesses provide.

Do pay them a visit when you can!

Upstairs Downstairs Antiques Centre Gloucester

Aladdin’s Cave The Eastgate Shopping Centre

The Ramblers Club

The Club at Tuffley Park

Idun Spirit

The Tailor of Gloster

Vinyl Vital Signs

Advice surgeries

I will be holding advice surgeries in Podsmead on the dates above. If you cannot make the dates but want my help with an issue, please get in touch via the alternative methods listed on the poster.

Next week I will be undertaking another walkabout with PCSO Suzanne Sexton, and attending some meetings in the ward.

Council memorial

On Friday 8th November we attended with the Mayor, Sheriff and civic party, city council group leaders and Managing Director together with council staff, as we paid tribute to the staff members of the Gloucester Corporation (as it was then known) who made the supreme sacrifice in the First World War.

‘A city’s strength is not in her walls, nor in her ships, but in her sons’.

Play Gloucestershire

Play Gloucestershire do great work in our communities, bringing educational and fun activities to children around the county. I’m really pleased that they are back working in Podsmead on Thursdays from 4pm-6pm on Scott Avenue playing field. Thanks to all who support them with funding around the county especially Podsmead Big Local.

Walking football

Walking Football is on every Friday, 7pm at the Crypt School.

I’ve been pleased to help facilitate a venue for this through my contacts at the school.

This is a really good example of social prescribing – activities such as team games, community choirs or dog walking that can be just as effective or even more so than just prescribing medicine from the doctor.

I’ve enjoyed attending this and hats off to Les and Podsmead Big Local for bringing it about.

Podsmead Walkabout

I did another problem-solving walkabout with PCSO for Podsmead Suzanne Sexton.

We went all across the ward and logged issues as we went, and had several good conversations with residents.

We then stopped in with Les Jevins at the Big Local for a hot drink and a chat. It was great to hear of all the activities being planned.

If I can be of assistance please email Sebastian.Field@gloucester.gov.uk.

Suzanne can be emailed on Suzanne.Sexton@gloucestershire.pnn.police.uk.