Counselling Services

Professional counsellor and hypnotherapist Teresa Dellbridge is offering support in these difficult times.

Counselling and hypnotherapy are available on FaceTime and other media.

Appointments are available at unsociable hours for those involved in sustaining us all, in whatever way, and payment can be by BACS donation, or provided free of charge for those experiencing economic hardship.

Please note all hypnotherapy involves you receiving a personal recording of your session, to play repeatedly.

Just call/text 07833752173, email or log on to

Waste and Recycling information

During the pandemic, Gloucester City Council are working very hard to continue services.

Inevitably, some services may be reduced due to staff shortages through illness or self-isolating, or due to budgetary pressures. 

At the moment the city council are prioritising collection of recycling and residual waste (the black bins), and due to the high volume of residual waste being presented for collection, garden waste is being deprioritised. There are no guarantees of green waste collections at this time, so the advice is to compost where possible. Compost bins can be purchased from some shops which remain open.

You can find the latest information from Gloucester City Council here.

Highways Update

Gloucestershire Highways are continuing to respond to enquiries and defects on the network, but please follow the guidance below in reporting issues to them:

All non-emergency matters should be reported online or emailed to
If a highways issue poses an immediate danger to public safety please call the emergency number 08000 514 514.

Emergency highways issues are classed as follows:
Objects on the highway network (i.e. a fallen tree)
Faulty temporary or permanent traffic lights (i.e. stuck on red)
Exposed cables
Multiple street lighting faults
Flooded roads
Potholes (over 75mm deep) – non emergency potholes can be reported online

Virtual Spotlight

Leaflets are not possible at the moment so I created this photo Spotlight.

I am compiling a list of issues to take up after the outbreak and am in regular contact with the council and my group.

In recent weeks amongst other issues I have asked about

? garden waste

? the pond at Milton Avenue

? ? the phone box on Podsmead Road

Can I help?

During this time I will not be carrying out face-to-face meetings but I remain available by email or phone.

In-person Gloucester City Council council meetings have been suspended at this time, but the council offices will remain open.

Please take care, and especially look out for elderly or vulnerable neighbours.

Podsmead Road Phone Box

In the current circumstances BT have agreed to my request to delay the removal of this phone box on Podsmead Road until at least the end of April.

I wrote to residents in the area before the lockdown but have to date only received one response on the issue.

My observation is that this phone box is not used much any more, so I am minded to say that it’s not needed.

But as mentioned before I am open-minded on the issue, so if any residents do object to its removal I will be pleased to hear from them.

My Podsmead week

My Podsmead week

It’s been another busy week in Podsmead. I have:

? been delivering my annual report ? on 2019 with the help of kind volunteers

? attended full council of Gloucester City Council, spoke in debates and asked questions

? followed up highways issues including traffic lights ?, potholes & manhole covers

? met with the cabinet member, Matson councillors, chief executive of Gloucester City Homes and other officers to discuss the plans for the regeneration of Matson & Podsmead

? attended the very useful Neighbourhood Watch meeting organised by Les Jevins and Podsmead Big Local

? reported several items of casework and approved some funding requests

? visted Grange Primary Academy who are the first school in our literacy scheme, which started this week.

The library is looking absolutely fantastic thanks to donations of books and materials.

The first group of year 7 children from The Crypt School have been in this week and heard the younger children read.

My thanks to Linda of Lilypad PR, the staff at Grange and the staff at Crypt for helping to make this happen.

Have a great week everyone!