Street signs

The current style of street sign in Gloucester is the blue and white as above.

I regularly log damaged, faded or missing street signs as it is important that they are kept up.

I have raised the top sign with the council as it needs attention.

The other two are of the old style. I think they are rather nice but would like to know what residents think. If you want to let me know please drop me a line, or to report another damaged or missing street sign.

Redwood Close

I have reported some Highways issues in Redwood Close for inspection and repair. I will report back as and when they are attended to.

There have also been some requests for tree works in this area and surrounding roads. I will be pointing out some of the issues to the council’s tree works department.

If you know of any Highways issues or tree works that need doing please let me know.

Ash Lane Action Day

Last weekend some local volunteers spent some time clearing some of the rubbish and dead wood from the path between Stroud Road and the Widden rugby field.

A resident contacted me about the path, the amount of rubbish and overgrowing bramble.

I had originally asked if the council could clear the path, but after a search I was told it is not public land. It is owned by the trust that manages the rugby fields, and they were happy for work to be done on the path.

I asked Lisa Jevins and the Podsmead Clearance team if they could do some clearance work, and they very kindly volunteered their time and skills.

We carried out a litter pick of the path, cleared some dead wood away and trimmed back a few branches. It should now be much more user friendly, and the amount of plastic and cans removed will be better for the wildlife.

The next thing is to look at managing the area long-term, and we have a few ideas about this. If you would be interested in helping, please let me know.

I would like to say a big thank you to Lisa and the PCT for all they did on the day, especially on a weekend. It showed the community spirit we have in Podsmead.

Tuffley Park

I have recently been in touch with city council officers over the poor state of the grass at Tuffley Park play area.

The park is managed by the city council. It is regularly inspected, and repairs are carried out to equipment and grass as needed.

The play park was installed a few years ago thanks to an investment from Podsmead Big Local. They are currently working on some improvements to the play area at Milton Avenue. Last year I identified £20K of section 106 money in the council accounts which will assist in this.

If you know of any play equipment that is damaged in Podsmead, please let me know.

The ‘other’ C

During the pandemic, cancer hasn’t gone away and if anything it’s made it harder to get people the treatment and care they need in a time of Covid restrictions.

That’s why it’s brilliant that Macmillan are continuing to provide care and support during this difficult time.

I was pleased to support the Macmillan coffee morning organised by Podsmead Big Local in Podsmead.

They raised over £100 thanks to volunteers and cake makers, and this money is vital to continuing Macmillan’s work.

Thank you all so much.

Wall at Tuffley Park

At the wall along Tuffley Park after it was damaged in the summer

I have checked in with the city council as to where we are with fixing the wall at Tuffley Park.

This officer dealing with the wall has informed me that he is preparing tender documents and getting the works tendered.

I am keen that we get the wall repaired quickly in the short term, as it is a safety risk currently.

Longer term, we could look to do something more imaginative here. I hope to be in a position to use some of my tree allocation along this boundary, and put some fencing in as well.

Local residents have responded well to this suggestion, but of course the main obstacle will be the cost of the fencing. I wonder if we could look at sponsoring the removal of a section of wall, and then sponsoring a replacement fence panel or tree!

Blackbridge Community Sports Hub

Many people will know that the fields at Blackbridge are earmarked for development into a community sports hub, with sports pitches and changing facilities etc.

A detail from one of the display boards issued by SF Planning.
Drawings are indicative only and are subject to final changes.

This project is being taken forward by the Blackbridge Community Land Trust in conjunction with the City Council, the County Council, Gloucester City Homes, Gloucestershire Athletics Club, Blackbridge Jubilee Athletics Track and Active Gloucestershire.

Recently, some archeological investigations were carried out on the fields, but nothing was found. Currently, stakeholders are in discussions with the planners as to what their requirements and aspirations might be.

You can find out more information by visiting SF planning. Although the initial consultation period has passed, there will be more opportunities to comment in future as formal planning applications are made. It is hoped that these could be submitted before Christmas this year, but as with many things at the moment there is potential for slippage.

As part of the Gloucester City plan, approved in August 2019, a patch of land was earmarked for 30 homes. This is marked SA14 on the map. It is past the allotments and homes at New Dawn View.

Don’t forget you can always ask me questions at any time, and I will do my best to get answers for you.

Repairs at Carmel Webb Memorial Garden

After the vandalised brickwork at the Carmel Webb Memorial Garden on Scott Avenue was fixed last week, I again raised with the police the need for enhanced security in this area. I hope to report back soon on this matter.

Last year, we were able to to implement some measures to help with security such as lowering the height of the hedge. I also got a new litter bin installed to encourage people not to litter. This year, after the fence around the hedge was damaged again, I agreed with council staff that we would remove this. It was in a poor state of repair in many places and was costing us money to replace each time it was broken, so this was a good solution.

After last week I have also asked for the graffiti on the bench to be cleaned up, and the council have passed this to their streetcare partner Amey to be done.

The garden deserves to be well-maintained so that people can enjoy it. I hope we can keep it looking good.

Volunteer Day September 26th

We are having a community volunteer day to clean up a pathway off Stroud Road, on Saturday 26th September from 11.30am.

If you can lend a hand clearing weeds and vegetation or litter picking, please let me know.

Covid safety measures will be in place, and if there are lots of volunteers we will work in small groups and keep our distance.

Meet on the corner of Stroud Road and Tuffley Avenue, opposite the Rose Gardens.