Greener Christmas

A campaign is being launched to encourage residents to waste less over the festive season to help make it a #greenerchristmas.

Gloucestershire County Council’s waste team, in partnership with district councils, is asking people to make ‘greener’ choices this year to reduce the impact Christmas waste has on the environment.

The campaign will focus on four key areas – food waste, gifts, trees and traditional items such as advent calendars and Christmas crackers. The advice includes:

Food waste

Meal plan for Christmas – decide what meals and treats you are going to cook, write a list of the ingredients you need and then keep to that list when shopping. This will help to avoid buying extra food which may get wasted at home.
Make the most of your leftovers to save food from going to waste by trying some low waste recipes.
Buy local this year and plastic free where possible, to reduce single use plastic waste and your carbon footprint.


£42 million of unwanted gifts are discarded in the UK every year, so buy presents thoughtfully and try to ensure they will be well received.
Why not gift something sustainable? Perhaps something for the garden to encourage home grown veg or more wildlife. And a tree is not just for Christmas!

Consider what is the most sustainable tree for you. Artificial trees have a higher carbon footprint than real trees, but if you keep an artificial tree for 10 years its carbon footprint would be less in the long-term.
If you go for a real tree, rentable ones are available which are already grown and potted for you to take home before returning after the festive period. If you choose a traditional cut tree, try to get one which is local and sustainably grown and dispose of it correctly after Christmas, via a tree collection or your garden waste bin if allowed by your district council.
Traditional items

More sustainable, recyclable and reusable options are available for traditional items such as advent calendars, crackers and home decorations.
You could make your own foraged door wreath, get a reusable advent calendar or make your own, and opt for plastic free or recyclable Christmas crackers.

You can find out more about the campaign by visiting and looking out for #greenerchristmas on social media.

Tuffley Park – wall and play park – and Milton Avenue

I have written to the section 106 officer at Gloucester City Council to ask for a few updates on Tuffley Park and Milton Avenue:

‘Could you update me on how much has been spent of the Section 106 money we have for Podsmead, and how much remains?

  • Podsmead Big Local have drawn down £74,000 from the lottery funding and ordered the play equipment and GCC have raised an order of £16,000 to provide safety surfacing for the new play equipment. The installation is likely to be end of December.
  • GCC have gone out to tender for outdoor gym equipment (£21,000). Companies have until 10th Nov to bid and we are expecting four companies to bid. Monday 15 November – Friday 19 November 2021 we will put the bids up on the Milton Ave Facebook group page and ask the community to vote on which they prefer. If we could spread the vote more widely in some way that would be great?
  • So we have about £30,000 remaining in the Podsmead budget now.
  • Completion of the wall will be mid-December. The gates will be installed at the same time. They came to about £5,500. The wall was paid for with the insurance money.’

We still have some money available for projects, then, and I would like to hear from residents on any ideas they might have. I have asked for a toddler swing to be considered for the play park at Tuffley Park. Other ideas could be benches or some more planting. Do let me know.

Highways issues on Bristol Road – reported

I have written to Highways, reporting a couple of issues on Bristol Road:

‘There are two issues to report to you on Bristol Road Podsmead:

1) a drain which needs clearing out, opposite Ultimate Accident Repair Service
2) a pothole on the pavement outside Enterprise Car Club
So both these issues are on the Hempsted Lane side of the road.
Many thanks,
Cllr Sebastian Field’

Earls Park – meeting requested

I am really pleased that Matthew Homes have installed some bollards between Manu Marble Way and the other side of the Earls Park development. Thank you to them for honouring their commitments in the plans.

This pathway was being used as an illegal cut through by some vehicles and was putting pedestrians at risk.

I am working proactively with Matthew Homes on this and other issues such as the overflowing bin at the play park. To this end I have requested a meeting with the site management team at Earls Park, in order to raise some issues that residents have put to me.

If you would like to tell me about any problems at Earls Park please contact me.

Recycling in Podsmead missed again

I understand from residents that recycling was not collected in Podsmead again this week. Several collections have been missed in the last few months.

The council and its street care partner Urbaser are saying that problems are due to driver shortages. The way they are dealing with this currently is by only collecting the black bin waste, and in certain weeks not collecting the recycling. Food waste should always be collected.

The trouble with this is that residents are not often aware this is happening and present their recycling in the usual way. When it is not collected they don’t know whether to bring it in or leave it out.

I will be raising this issue with city council bosses to find out why this is still happening and how we can solve it. I am concerned that Podsmead seems to be bearing the brunt of this problem.

Current advice is to take your recycling back in if not collected by the close of play on Friday. As always, do let me know any issues with waste, recycling or anything else.

Working for Earls Park and Podsmead

Several issues have cropped up in Earls Park recently so here is an update on some of them.

Barron Way drainage

In Barron Way, residents have been having some issues with their drainage. I contacted Matthew Homes who arranged for a contractor to attend. The blockages were due to builders rubble in the drains at Emery Avenue. This has now been cleared.

Hopefully this will solve the problem but if not residents should get in touch in the usual way.

Millstone Way refuse and recycling

There have been some problems recently with waste and recycling collection for some residents of Millstone Way. After speaking to Matthew Homes and an officer from the city council, we have arranged that waste and recycling can be put out and collected from the fenced area pictured.

The site manager is contacting residents to ensure they know about this. Despite some communication breakdown this week, hopefully this will be in place for the next collections.

Litter bin in Manu Marble Way play area

Residents have contacted me as the above bin is nearly full. I am liaising with the site manager and the city council as to how it will be maintained in future.

If any residents of Earls Park or Podsmead have anything they need my help with please let me know.

Halloween advice from Gloucestershire Constabulary

It’s only a few days until Halloween so we’d just like give you a few bits of advice beforehand.

If you’d prefer to not have an trick or treaters, please download the poster from our website and display it in your window:

Halloween can be a lot of fun for children and young people, but it can also be distressing and intimidating for older people. If you are going to go “trick or treating” please respect and consider others and follow COVID-19 guidelines, that way everyone can have a safe and enjoyable time. Children should always be with a responsible adult and respect that some people may not want trick or treaters.

Please enjoy yourself but remain safe!