Traffic calming measures for Tuffley Avenue

Gloucestershire Highways have recently written to residents along Tuffley Avenue, outlining some traffic calming measures they are proposing.

I was consulted as the ward member for the city council, and made a few comments and asked some questions.

The plans will be going out for wider public consultation and there will be ample chance for all who wish to, to make comments. The engineers will make any necessary adjustments as they see fit and hopefully any works will be undertaken next year.

You can view the plans here, under the Gloucester TROs section.

I would be keen to see the road made safer, especially for children and parents crossing over to Calton Road school.

7 thoughts on “Traffic calming measures for Tuffley Avenue

  1. Lara Bricknell says:

    As a parent with a child at Ribston Hall And The Crypt I travel along Tuffley Avenue daily, it is quite frightening at times.

    Now that Ribston Hall have requested that parents do not park along Stroud Road I tried to park, out of the way, in Romney Close, however, the residents there have placed no parking signs everywhere, leaving me with no time to find alternatives apart from Tuffley Avenue. Parking there, seeing the chaos and feeling unsafe I was reduced to tears.

    I could have parked quite safely without obstructing anything in Romney Close. It is all very well seeking to change Tuffley Avenue, but the traffic and parents parking for both Calton Road and Ribston schools needs to go somewhere.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Lara, I agree this needs to be managed carefully and sensibly. I will be working with the schools and the rugby clubs as well as the residents to try to come up with solutions that work as well as they can for all concerned. I’ve already been speaking to people at the clubs about this. All best, Sebastian

  2. […] I have reported this to Highways and called for it to be made safe ASAP. There are some measures being proposed to calm traffic and make it easier to cross, coming in hopefully next year. Find out more here. […]

  3. John Channon says:

    As a Lime Tree Court resident living directly across from the Carlton road junction I,

    1. Have not received any communication fom Gloucester Highways on these measures and
    2. Experience daily problems caused by dangerous and inappropriate parking by parents at school run times.

    In my view these measures would make an already difficult situation much worse on what has become a busy commuter route

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks John, initially they only contacted directly-affected houses, but will be extending the consultation further over next few months. It will be a fairly lengthy process so you will definitely have opportunities to comment. On the subject of parking, this is something that definitely needs to be looked at I agree. Best wishes, Sebastian

  4. Resident of Tuffley Avenue says:

    Whilst I agree that traffic calming would be worthwhile, the current proposed locations for speed calming have introduced high risk safety hazards and would introduce dangerous access issues for current residents. There are also major concerns for causing traffic hazards along the Tuffley avenue such as queuing traffic near popular junctions where children cross, blocking access to public amenities amongst other concerns. I have provded my thoughts to the council as I have been written to as one of the houses directly affected. I have also provided detailed suggestions for locations which would be more suited for traffic calming along Tuffley Avenue which address all key factors such as speed reduction, public safety and safe access for current residents.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thank you very much for your very useful comments. What I would say is that this scheme is in its very early stages and there will be lots of consultation to come, so it’s well worth keeping an eye on things. Best wishes, Sebastian

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