During Love Parks Week I had a walkabout with our parks and open spaces manager, looking at some of our wonderful parks and open spaces. We discussed many aspects of the council’s management of its open spaces, and the challenges we face.
We toured:
Milton Avenue – casework here reported to the council
Tuffley Park – looking at the trees, 🌳 wildflower spaces, 🌸 waste bins and the trajectory for the new path (nice to see the Section 106 officer and path contractors on site scoping the path)
Gloucester Park – our newest 🟩 green flag park – the Covid memorial and the recent additions to the park
Barnwood Arboretum – 🟩 a wonderful nature reserve and another green flag park
Saintbridge Pond – 🟩 with its extensive bird 🦆 and insect 🐜 life
Robinswood Hill park – 🟩 our final walk and lunch in the cafe ☕️
Many of our parks rely on Friends groups and volunteers to carry out all that we need to get done.
The council simply doesn’t have the resources anymore to do everything that we get asked to do, so my thanks to all who help out.