Liquidation of Aspire Leisure Trust

Gloucester was stunned to learn of the sudden liquidation of the Aspire Leisure Trust which ran GL1 and Oxstalls leisure centres. Some 150 jobs have been lost and the centres have been closed immediately, with rumours that they won’t be reopened for at least a year until a new contractor is found to run the services. Many families relied on the centres for exercise, recreation or income.

Liberal Democrats on Gloucester City Council have been opposed to outsourcing of services by the Conservative administration and this shows why. We have been asking questions at council meetings and asking to see the figures. This failure shows the lack of accountability that often comes with outsourcing.

A great city like Gloucester needs its leisure and sport facilities. Liberal Democrats will be pushing for the services to be reopened as soon as possible, and run in-house by the council if necessary.

Please contact me if you are affected by the closures.

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