Action on messy alleyway

The alleyway between Milton Avenue and Empire Way has now been cleared of litter and weeds at my urging.

Several residents contacted me about it and I requested a clean up from the council.

I have also asked for the alleyways between Tennyson Avenue and Podsmead Road, and between Thornhill Close and Podsmead Road, to be cleared.

2 thoughts on “Action on messy alleyway

  1. Rosemarie Harris says:

    I was going to complain about this as it was months the stinging nettles were causing a problem …but thought i’d wait the usual 6 months before contacting you…4 months later it has been done the people who do this should not need a councillor to tell them it needs doing.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      It’s what I’m here for Rose, sometimes the council needs a push to do the things they should already be doing.

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