Update on recent planning decisions

A short post to update residents on two recent planning decisions that were decided earlier this month.

Firstly, the Blackbridge project was approved by the Planning Committee of the city council. There were 38 conditions on the approval, so it will be important to keep an eye on these as the project develops.

Whatever your views were on the project, I hope everyone can now come together to make the hub work for all.

I will continue to liaise with residents and the Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society, and make concerns heard. I recently submitted a question for the cabinet meeting earlier this month on how the council will be monitoring the project.

Secondly, the 5G mast that was proposed for Tuffley Avenue has been rejected. This was in my opinion a flawed consultation and I am glad that the proposal has been thrown out.

My thanks to Sarah and the Friends of Tuffley Park for their speed in getting comments organised.

I am not against the masts in principle but felt this was the wrong location and hadn’t been properly consulted on. The Podsmead community will need to keep vigilant for future applications and judge them on their merits.

You can view current Podsmead planning applications here.

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