Permali Consultation


Some Podsmead residents may have recently received a consultation letter about an application to the city council for a new environmental permit.

The letter did not contain a link to the documents. They can be found here.

Were the application to succeed, Permali would be allowed to use more than 200 tonnes of solvents per year. I am opposed to this, as is my colleague in nearby Westgate ward Councillor Rebecca Trimnell.

There have been many complaints already about noise levels and the abhorrent smell from this factory. The granting of this environmental permit will simply make things worse.

I would encourage you to write a letter of objection to the application. Responses must be in writing and include your name and full postal address.

All responses should be returned by 6pm on Monday June 26 2023.

✉️ By post to: PO Box 2017, Pershore, WR10 9BJ

? By email to: quoting Ref: Permali A2 Application

✋? By hand to: The Guildhall Reception, Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1NS

It goes without saying, the more objections the better.

Please do let me know if you have submitted an objection by emailing me at ?

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