Update on Earls Park issues reported recently

I reported a number of issues at Earls Park to the site manager and am pleased to give updates on them:

  • Matthew Homes increased the frequency of the road sweeping with immediate effect after my request
  • Development roads – I asked that the gullies by cleaned and can report that the majority of the road gullies have now been cleaned out. 
  • I asked that tarmac regulating be done and this due to occur in approximately a weeks’ time. This will help stop the water pooling so much.
  • The broken fence and play equipment in the Neven Place play area have been repaired.
  • The bins – these continue to be emptied.
  • Matthew Homes have arranged a clean and visited residents at a block of flats in Earls Park, to address safety issues reported to me by residents.

I have also asked Matthew Homes to look into the following issues for me:

  1.  There are barriers outside 33 Millstone Way and I am unsure what work is being carried out.
  2. 33 Millstone Way need a proper sign to help delivery and emergency services find their property, and not assume it is part of Manu Marble Way. Residents have had to resort to putting up stickers in the window themselves.
  3. On a similar issue, residents at 35-41 Neven Place still await a street sign.
  4. There is mud on the pavement on Millstone Way by the development site.
  5. The brick topper on the staircase at Barron Way has broken off and needs repairing.

As always I will report back on these and keep residents informed. Do let me know if you have any issues that you need my help with, wherever you live in our area.

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