Earls Park issues

We held a successful bike marking and advice session with the police and myself in Earls Park on Thursday.

We got some good comments, and the police were able to mark some 20+ bikes.

Whilst in the vicinity I checked on the Neven Place play park and was very disappointed to note that the issues still haven’t been resolved.

I have asked Matthew Homes to sort out urgently:

* The fence (dangerous metal exposed)

* The leaning child’s bike toy

* The full waste bin 

Once again I would have urged Matthew Homes to install dedicated dog waste bins at the parks – the bins are being predominantly used for dog waste anyway.

Other issues that are outstanding:

* The storage area in the corner of the park – the council believe this should not be in this location.

* Residents have noticed that the site gate was open on a Friday evening 2/10. This needs to be closed.

There is also a dangerous cable hanging out of a property in the estate, but I am seeking clarification as to who is responsible.

I am seeking a meeting with management in the next month to talk through issues and represent the views of residents. Do email me any issues on seb4podsmead@gmail.com.

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