Blackbridge project – FAQs and newsletter update

I have had lots of emails and phone calls about the Blackbridge project. It would be fair to say I have heard a range of views, but most of them have been respectful and positive. People rightly have concerns, especially those living closest to the development.

Some are completely opposed, some in favour, and some want to debate the fine details of how it will all work. At the moment there is not an answer to every question but I have urged the BCCBS to put round a newsletter in late August with some ‘frequently asked questions’ and their answers. I have submitted a list myself and I have had some residents send me questions.

I cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered at this point because some things may depend on traffic or other surveys still to come. Just to reiterate though that residents can contact me any time, and I am always happy to meet with them by appointment.

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