Blackbridge development – your comments welcomed

Recently a consultation event was held at the current clubhouse for Gloucester Athletics Club, regarding the potential development at Blackbridge.

This plan would allow for a 3G floodlit playing field, a new clubhouse with a gym, changing facilities, studio space, cafe and bar etc, enhanced cricket and rugby natural pitches, and car parking for the site. There is provision for 30 houses next to the existing New Dawn development, which was part of the Gloucester City Plan and would enable contributions to be made to the overall financing of the project.

Access to the site is being proposed through Laburnum Road, and whilst there would be a loss of parking at the top of the road, this would be mitigated by provision of resident-only parking in the smaller of the two car parks.

Environmental studies would be commissioned as part of the planning process, and resident input would be welcomed on what people would like to see.

Understandably, there are some concerns about the access road and increased traffic and/or loss of parking, and other things like security and environmental concerns.

What I would say is that plans are still being developed at this stage, so nothing is set in stone.

Update – there has been a delay of a few months to allow a traffic survey in September to give a true picture of the current traffic. The planning application will likely go to the city council in January 2023.

I will take on board all comments received and look to represent the will of the community as much as possible. I would urge people to have their say as early and as often as possible.

Below is a letter I recently delivered to local homes.

You can view the presentation boards that were displayed at the consultation events here:

26 thoughts on “Blackbridge development – your comments welcomed

  1. As director of sport of The Crypt School we have had ongoing dialog and fully support the proposed project on the Blackbridge site. As a growing school we are in desperate need of more facilities which will further enhance our offer of sport and create further opportunities for students to be physically active.

    I see the school now being an end user of the facility and depending on cost accessing the facilities at a reduced rate during the school day. We are also developing a number of club school partnerships and I am fully aware of the wider need for this facility between local football and rugby clubs and have no doubt that there is a high demand for the use of the facility which will only enhance what is on offer in the local community.

    As a school and in particular as a PE department we are genuinely excited about this project and will support it in anyway we can to ensure it comes to fruition. If we can do anything else to support your work please do not hesitate to contact me.

  2. S Seagrave says:

    Currently this space is used by existing local sports clubs including Widden and Old Cryptians. Many locals exercise and walk their dogs here for free. Whilst the development of this site will benefit the minority, many locals will lose out.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks for the comment, all of these activities will be possible after the development is open, but with the benefit of enhanced local facilities. Exercise, dog walking and sport are all to be encouraged, and this will allow more people to access these activities including local residents. With specific reference to athletics, for example, this is a low-cost and easy way for children to get involved in exercise, but currently the excellent running track is hidden away and hard to access. This helps with that access, as just one example. Best wishes, Sebastian

  3. Andy wilks says:

    As a resident of laburnum road (no 16 ) I think , with the rest of the residents not only is this a very bad idea of having an access road via laburnum road , due to the fact that 1. Increased traffic 2.increased pollution 3.environmental issues 4.that the road is on the bend and thus increase potentially accidents again due to increased traffic ……5. Why should the residents at the top off road lose THERE car park spaces …6 . Increased theft if there were a car park for residents… for one I myself wouldn’t use it … why should we …. 7.there is a road access where the current houses are at top of black bridge …… but finally as a member of old Cryptians rugby football club ….. we use black bridge to train on throughout the summer again why should we just give up on the fields just to line someone’s pocket without a care in the world about everything else ….. this isn’t a ideal spot for your plans …. Beaufort fields probably be ideal …… ?…. I moved here for the piece and quiet that is is , listening to the birds day and night ….. I don’t want to be listening to cars speeding up and down , which they will , …. What about the kids around , they know it’s safe at the top of laburnum road ….. just think of the uproar which this will cause , just think about the environment, just think about all the increased risks involved ….. do we really need more houses and a sports complex dumped there , is there any need , sports centres which I go to now don’t even run a full capacity so what makes you think this will ……

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Andy, I am aware of a lot of concern over the access via Laburnum Road but can assure you that the project are looking at every possible way to help with this, including traffic calming measures. They are working with a traffic consultant and carrying out traffic surveys in September which will delay the planning application until likely January 2023. This is because they want to get this right. Unfortunately there is no alternative entrance but we may find that a lot of the concern is based on fear of what might happen rather than what might actually happen – this is why it’s best to carry out a traffic survey in September in normal school time conditions rather than when some are on holiday, in order to get a true picture. Best wishes, Sebastian

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Andy,

      A newsletter will be coming round shortly which I hope will answer many of your questions and give more information.

      Best wishes


  4. Rachel Hall says:

    Why is there a need for rugby, cricket, bar facilities when there are already 2x established rugby clubs 1x cricket club and associated bars within this area already? Why would you not work with the existing clubs? The new proposal could have a detrimental affect on the existing clubs or, more likely, the council will throw a load of money at the new proposal which will end up running at a loss, as have similar ventures, and the council ends up pulling out.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Hi Rachel the project are working with the clubs and this is ultimately about enhancing the facilities on offer in the local area, not just rugby and cricket but football too, and adding to the already very high quality athletics track and their facilities. It would also provided changing rooms, a cafe, bar and a gym as well as studio space. All of these would likely be well-used by the community. The facilities would be run by Blackbridge Community Benefit Society who as well as being a community group can actually invite local residents to buy shares in the project, the money from which would be used to pay for future endeavours and maintenance of the facilities. More info here: Best wishes Sebastian

  5. Luke Thompson says:

    This needs to stay as community use for Sports, we have been growing in numbers at Old Cryptians with the kids coming along and use this space for training. Why take away a sports area for more houses? Our Doctors, Dentists, and Hospital are already snowed under and cannot see patients. We need more sports and less people!

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Hi Luke, this is staying as community use. Old Cryptians will still be able to use the field if they book it, but it is about enhancing facilities and improving the sport and well-being offer in the local area. There is allocation for 30 houses adjacent to the New Dawn View development. This has been in train since 2016 but it does seem that some people are unaware. The houses would not cover the whole field just a small part of it at the top. You can view the plans via the link on my website here: Best wishes Sebastian

  6. Chris Brooker says:

    Hi Sebastian.

    I am against the development of Black Bridge open space.
    What is intended for the development and improvement of the site we have already. I have never been apposed to change or improvement. In the scene at the top of this page were you are smiling and looking away, perhaps if you turn around you will see the reason why I am against this development. When I walk onto the feild I can see the wooded skyline and the seaminly endless vista of hedgrows which is a natural haven for wildlife and birds, it brings a glow to my heart to be able to walk into that space that the community needs. It’s a meeting place were you can communicate. Discuss the politics of life, come to a decision on your own thoughts without interuption. People exercise here in there own way, this is there fitness centre. You don’t need a treadmill to pound up and down. People do there own thing because they can. Fly your kite, knock a golf ball around, walk your dog amongst friends, practice casting with your fishing, walk with your lover or partner. It’s an open space, in gods name we need it for our pesonal constitution. It’s what it was meaninly intended for. Not to put a scar on the skyline and fill the space with street lighting , roads, noise etcall the things that come with this development whether you like it or not. You cannot mitigate against something as precious and rewarding as this open space. I rest my case, come off of my soap box and shed a tear in frustration. Hoping this development does not happen. It cannot be regarded as an improvment for our community.

    Kind regards
    Chris Brooker

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Chris,

      I do appreciate your concerns and comments.

      Environmental concerns have of course to be taken into consideration and the trust is doing this.

      I will be sure to share with you the updates in the coming weeks.

      All best,


  7. Rosemarie Harris says:

    This is what we get when unelected people of Podsmead tell Us the people of Podsmead what we want.
    I personally don’t think enough has been done with actually asking people what they feel about it or how to put in a complaint when it comes up for approval.
    They posted a leaflet through my door about two weeks ago two meetings were held the next week ..Is this now Democracy?
    Let’s be honest it’s not what we want it’s what they want ( All Unelected big local the local school, residents group and any group who say’s we speak for the residents) don’t know about Pam Tracy who is the county councilor.
    Questions do need to be asked about how this was all done without any input from the local sports groups at least.
    Why didn’t these people above work with the local clubs? ( it’s in the name Local perhaps that’s the problem )
    To me not paid like others but i would have thought this should have been the first thing to do talk to the residents.
    Why didn’t anyone contact with the club committee members?
    why didn’t the above have contacts with people using clubs and the volunteers giving time and energy to look after the next generation of sport people.?
    They think it’s in the bag so really they don’t care about your feed back.
    There is an area where perhaps you can get answers.
    It’s called the freedom of Information act you can ask any public funded agencies like councils ( Not GCHQ or that type of work) Questions just google it but ask the right question.
    It’s fine to offer a meet up to talk about how Crypt could help you but what about the other clubs or is it just meet ups for the ones who support it?
    As a matter of interest how many children at crypt come from Podsmead?

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Rose I am submitting a number of questions today, many of which cover the points you’ve raised above. The newsletter will go round the whole of Podsmead so you will see the information.

      All best,


    • philip victor critchley says:

      sebastian. who are the people on these TRUSTS outsiders who have never wa to change lked around the area or lived in area , or feel powerful to change things when there not broke, find brown land first there wont be green land in podsmead in near future

      • Sebastian Field says:

        Thanks Philip, the four directors are all involved in the Podsmead community and have given years of service to the area. Two are local residents and those and one other have been involved with the Podsmead Big Local panel that this has developed out of. The other is the director of the athletics track. BCCBS is being run as a charity to benefit the local community.

  8. Vincent and Emmanuelle Groom says:

    Yes this field is currently used by rugby clubs and it is a free area for the public to enjoy. As we are increasingly seeing the effect of global warming on our cities shouldn’t green spaces be a priority in the future?! Building good sporting facilities is important however it seems to us that these should be built on brown field sites in order to avoid further congestion, pollution and other detrimental effects to the residents.

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Many thanks, it is possible to develop but still to increase biodiversity and lower carbon. This is one of the points I have raised in my list of questions.

      All best,


  9. Jon Ellis says:

    The impact this development will have on the wildlife that calls these fields “home” will be devastating. Already under massive pressure from the over development of this area these fields are one of the few green spaces left for our wildlife to seek refuge. The 30 houses and increased activity from new hub will almost certainly cause local extinction for some species. The building of the 30 houses will also almost certainly see the loss of mature/established trees and hedgerows. With global warming an already widely accepted reality the loss of this type of fauna is unsustainable and unethical. Any replacements will take many years if not decades to reproduce same benefits to wildlife and to offset carbon emissions

    For the reasons above and for its impact on the local community I holheartedely object to planning being granted for this development

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Jon, obviously the environmental concerns need to be taken on board and this is why I have submitted a list of question to the the trust on this topic.

      Regarding the hedgerows etc the houses will be built within the existing hedgerows. Anything that is removed would be replaced elsewhere on the site and I will be calling for a ratio of more planting in place of anything that gets removed. Carbon neutrality is possible and I will be pushing for this.

      All best,


  10. Paul Haynes says:

    Reading these comments just confirms to me what I already think. Very few of the people who use this beautiful space on a daily basis want this development. Why would you want to destroy such a beautiful space? Have you ever walked round this field in the winter at sunrise? Seen the foxes playng in the fog, or sparrow hawk take a pigeon. What will you replace these really spiritual moments with?

    Some of us have been walking these fields and enjoying this space for close to 50 years. It was our little secret. If you didn’t live round here you probably didn’t know it existed!

    Very few of the people you want to bring into the area live here. By all means put some posts up and play football. But the houses and club house/gym/car parks, artifical pitch (fenced off with lights) will take over half of the green and turn it to concrete and an elite area for football.

    I don’t think you’re taking the feelings of the community around this area seriously at all…

    • Sebastian Field says:

      Thanks Paul,

      I am taking the concerns of residents very seriously and feeding all comments back to the trust.

      The fields and habitats will not be destroyed by the development but you are right to say it needs to be addressed and this will be done. I will be pushing hard for this site if it goes ahead to be carbon neutral and an environmental haven. I have walked it many times and know its value to the community. You will still be able to walk there and enjoy nature if this development goes ahead.

      Best wishes,


  11. philip victor critchley says:

    hello sebastian, again peoples concerns being over ridden again, by outsiders who have no history of area who live in the midlands or further afield in designing what THEY think we want or need,as i found out on the development in podsmead adjacent to my home.which i will fight against. just lip service to keep people onside until its concluded i know you have reservations about certain aspects of these builds look forward to your response

    • Sebastian Field says:
      • Sebastian Field says:

        Hi Philip, there is no planning application as yet for the Podsmead regeneration but you must make sure your concerns are raised if there is. I have had a meeting with Gloucester City Homes and Lib Dem councillor colleagues and we raised many of the points you and others made. Best wishes Sebastian

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