Supporting the artwork in the city centre

The Liberal Democrat group on Gloucester City Council are proposing a motion on Thursday, praising the #bouncingback project which painted 75 electrical and BT boxes in the city centre. Jointly funded by the Gloucester Business Improvement District and the City Council, it successfully brightened up drab looking street furniture and celebrates aspects of our story.

Liberal Democrats would like to see more of this brightening up, including in the wider city. Hopefully all councillors will support our motion, which won’t commit the council to any extra spending.

The full motion reads:

Council notes the recent #bouncingback project, which was jointly funded by Gloucester BID and the City Council.

Council notes that this project sought to enhance the street scene by ‘converting often unkempt street furniture into bright points of interest’. 5 local artists were involved in painting a total of 75 boxes, including electric and BT boxes, with the agreement of the owners. 

Council commends this project which has delivered some excellent public art,

commemorated aspects of Gloucester history, and provided a talking point. 

Council records its thanks to those who organised and took part in the project. 

Council resolves to examine ways to expand the project in the future, such as encouraging members, residents and community groups to identify street furniture or appropriate sites in their wards to be brightened through painting, cleaning or planting, and inviting submissions of historical figures, events and logos to be commemorated. 

Council further resolves to apply for any suitable funding from government or other sources to expand this work, and to work with the BID and other local partners to ensure that this project is fully publicised, promoted and celebrated in the future.

2 thoughts on “Supporting the artwork in the city centre

  1. Jo Benbow says:

    Absolutely agree with this proposal. Artwork used in such a positive way adds so much colour to what has become a dreary city. We have so much talent in the city. Let’s encourage this artwork in a beneficial way. It can only have a positive impact and will hopefully encourage visitors back to the city once again.

  2. […] Liberal Democrats proposed a motion at full council this week looking at ways to expand this scheme in the future, maybe doing more boxes in the city centre, or […]

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