Podsmead profiles – Linda Cohen

Read with me was set up by Linda Cohen at the start of 2020 with the prime objective of ensuring that every primary school child can read well before they move to secondary school.

Children who are unable to read properly at 7 never really catch up. These children do less well at school, have reduced employment choices and earning opportunities and a greater chance of going to prison.

Every year 200,000 children will leave primary school unable to read well, 1 in 4 five years olds struggle with basic vocabulary, 96% of primary school teachers are concerned about pupil’s speech and language.

This of course was before Covid, which has made everything even more challenging for these children.

Read with me  volunteers hear each child read for 15minutes twice a week which also gives time to develop vital communication and social skills and build confidence. The results are transforming.

Read with me work with 1500 local children every week

If you’d like to help and volunteer in a school near you, call Linda on 07791 110906, email Julie Jenner on julie@readwithme.org.uk or go to www.readwithme.org.uk

2 thoughts on “Podsmead profiles – Linda Cohen

  1. Helen James says:

    Read with me is excellent. I visit children at school and it’s very satisfying.

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