The return of the Festival of Light to Gloucester has been welcomed by the Liberal Democrats.
GLoucester City Council announced the return of the festival, which will run from November until February next year, and will see the light installations bring colour to the city as the nights draw in over winter.
Among the highlights will be Shadowing that will turn three ordinary lampposts in the city centre into magical illuminated stages where visitors can dance and play with their shadows.
Designed by award-winning digital artists Chomko and Rosier, it will see the lights record and play back the shadows of those who pass under them.
The installation launches on October 29 in Berkley Street, Southgate Street and St Mary De Crypt corner, as well as at Blackfriars Priory when the street lights turn on after dark.
Another highlight will be Breathing Room by Anna Berry, which is a walk-in kinetic light installation creating a unique sensory experience.
Councillor Jeremy Hilton, leader of Gloucester Liberal Democrats, said: “It is good to see some art installations coming to Gloucester and they look imaginative.
“I hope this will draw people into the city. Every council needs a decent programme of cultural events and art installations.”
Councillor Sebastian Field, Lib Dem culture spokesman, added: “It looks like a good programme and I hope it will be a success.
“My only criticism would be that it doesn’t look as if we are using any local artists.
“In a time of post-Covid recovery it would be good practice to involve some Gloucester or Gloucestershire-based artists as this would put more money back into the local economy.
“But we are supportive on the whole.”
For further information please contact Cllr Jeremy Hilton 07771 794407 or Cllr Sebastian Field 07708 345857.