Paid opportunity for young people from the British Youth Council & Youth Futures Foundation

The Youth Futures Foundation, in partnership with the British Youth Council, are on the lookout for 11 diverse young people to form the Future Voices Group and we would really appreciate your help to share this opportunity as widely as possible within your fantastic networks. 

These are paid roles that will give responsibility to members to feed into everything that the Youth Futures Foundation is doing to support marginalised young people into meaningful work – including the things they fund, the research they commission, and how they work with policy makers, employers and other key partners. 

The British Youth Council will provide Futures Voices Group members with full support, training and development throughout their time in the role. The role requires a time commitment of at least 10 hours a month, will be paid at London Living Wage rate and expenses will be covered. 

To be eligible, the young person needs to be:

  1. Aged between 16 and 24 years
  2. Live in England (we are looking for a representative geographical spread)
  3. Have direct or indirect experience of facing barriers to gaining meaningful employment, for example but not exclusively, being of ethnic minority heritage, being a refugee or asylum seeker, having a special educational need, physical disability or long-term health condition, experience of being in care or the criminal justice system. 

Candidates can apply in whatever format they prefer – in writing, via video or voice recording. For more information, please read and share the application pack, which includes a link to the application itself.

We are looking for diverse representation in terms of ethnicity, gender, geography, disability, sexual orientation and lived experience, so please do forward to any young people you think would be interested in applying. 

The original deadline has been extended and will now close at 5pm on Sunday 22nd November

Please contact if you have any questions about the role or application process.

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